Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Sony Ericsson Z610i



This procedure unlocks the handset from being network restricted from only using SIM cards from Vodafone Australia. In case of difficulties, please refer to the FAQ listed below

1. Take note of the unlocking code shown above

2. Insert a Non-Vodafone Australia working SIM card.

3. Ensure the phone is charged and then switch the phone on.

4. Optional Step: If the SIM card has a PIN, enter your PIN number. (See FAQ below)

5. The phone will then display a message. The most common is “Insert correct SIM Card”. (Different message? See FAQ below)

6. Using the navigation key, press Left (<), Star (*), Star (*), Left (<), in sequential order to display the unlock menu. (Problem? See FAQ)

7. The phone will display “Personalized with MNC2” menu showing 2 options:

Network Subset

8. Select Network

9. The phone will display “NCK:” (NCK refers to the unlocking code)

10. Enter the 16-digit Network Unlock Code for your handset (Unlocking code is shown above) and press “OK” (left-softkey).

11. The handset will be unlocked automatically the after successful entry of the unlocking code. This will be confirmed if you can make and receive calls with the Non-Vodafone Australia SIM Card. (You will need reception and phone credit with the different network provider)

Please Note:

If a wrong unlocking code is entered, it will display “Wrong code”.


Question: My phone asks to enter a PIN number

Answer: For SIM cards with PIN ENABLED you will be required to enter a PIN. This is not the unlocking code that has just been provided. For information concerning the PIN, PIN2, PUK and PUK2 codes for a SIM card please read the manual that came with your phone. This is not a handset unlocking difficulty.

Question: My handset displays a different message then what is shown in this procedure when I insert a Non Vodafone Australia SIM card.

Answer: The most common message the phone will display is “Insert correct SIM card”. Because each handset may have a different variation in software there is no common message. If your handset displays a different message it is recommended to move onto the next step.

Note: Faulty SIM Cards - The handset may also display messages indicating the SIM you are using to unlock the handset is faulty, it could display “Insert SIM” “Bad Card”, “Card Error” or “Card Rejected”, confirm the SIM card is inserted correctly – Gold area downwards and the cut of the corner matches correctly. You will need a working Non Vodafone SIM card to unlock the handset, Vodafone can not assists with other networks faulty SIMs.

Question: The unlocking procedure refers to a left (<). But I can not find it?

Answer: The phone has no (<) key. This refers to pushing the navigation button left

Question: I am not currently in Australia and experiencing difficulties unlocking the phone that I purchased from a Vodafone Australia outlet

Answer: Clearly note this in the difficulties description. Vodafone Australia can only send a reply to the difficulty by email.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Saturday, December 16, 2006

today i was a superstar.

i've been battling blisters. this is one of them.

they don't hurt really bad, but they both just popped recently.... maybe it was yesterday? and that sucks cause if i'm in the surf tomowrrow, i risk getting sand in them... remember the squeaky 8km? ouch... i couldn't walk for at least a day... and i think that was a sunday... j was gone... where was he? oh, yeah, he went to canada ahead of me. to get prepared to propose ;)

i just have to watch out, keep 'em clean. maybe tape them before stepping onto the sand tomorrow? *sigh* my poor feet. they need some serious attention. i'm considering some quality acupuncture to help some of the achey bones.

BUT TODAY I WAS A SUPERSTAR! after a lot of deliberation on how the day would pan out, we ended up at home. so i went for my 12 mile run (19.3km) around here. i ran the same course i ran on thursday morning, only i ran it twice. i ran the first half very nicely, conservative running. made it back home, it had started to rain! grabbed my fuel belt (water and dried fruit) and exchanged the sunnies for a visor. got a kiss and a spank from j and was out the door again in under 2. the second half ran well too. felt great.

i thought that running the same old places that i run during the week would be boring but because it was from 2:30-4:30 on a saturday afternoon, it was totally different. i have *never* seen the corso so void of athletes, let alone people! and the rain gave my run a whole new dimension too. and i got to eat, which i haven't done since starting the training plan so that distracted me a bit too... we don't have any sports gel or special drinks at the moment (for some reason we only get those when j trains hard, i make do without) so i drank water and ate (semi)dried apple rounds (these were ok... a bit too much chewing for me) and dates... the dates were awesome! AND I FELT TOTALLY OLD SCHOOL! *giggle*giggle*

the change in vision, from blue super sunnies to orange rimmed visor was cool too. and the light went all weird for the second half of my run.

i decided to run strong my whole way home. i felt so good :)

here are my times and heartrates for my quarter splits (3miles/4.8km each)

31 min 22 sec ... 149avg/188max
32 min 19 sec ... 152avg/168max
30 min 52 sec ... 155avg/167max
29 min 10 sec ... 164avg/181max
total time 2 hours 3 min 44 sec ... 155avg/188max

simply fyi, i had a great time doing the 10km run on thursday morning. it was the longest i'd had to run before work, i felt great despite only having about 4 hours sleep.

am looking forward to, possibly, having a training buddy a couple of times a week over the holidays!

if anybody has some good news for blister suffering, please let me know!

or if you know anything about sore toe joints!

enjoy your sport.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

well, this week i've been mentally more determined... even if i didn't make it on my run this morning.

i'll probably catch a bit flack for it!... meh.

i had to be reminded yesterday, when i was fretting about my slow-ass pace, that this is only my warm up 18week training plan.

the real one starts, well, about 18 weeks out from the gc marathon. then i will do all the right speed sessions, hill repeats (got some great ones right around my house!) and more pace running.

reminder again: this is just a warm up. for fun. i'm still not focusing on nutrition... will probably cut out drinky poos.

i'm trying to set a goal time that's achievable but that will also blow my mind. somewhere around 3:30... but i'm scared to set my sights so high! that's over an hour better than my pb. j thinks i can. i'd be happy under 4 i think. i'm really into this *ease into it* thing...

i'll be easing into a 10km tomorrow morning. it's always a bit of a milestone, these midweek sortalong runs. just because i have to fit it in before work. up at 5am. should pass out now... gotta write some xmas stuff first though. ahhhhh

looks like i'll be catching up on my sleep this weekend again!

happy training! -xo-

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

just starting week 6...

week 4 was a tough one. i got tired and almost fell sick. skipped my long run that weekend, even after being so excited about it. *sigh* it's better to listen to your body though.

i ran an absolutely awesome 10 miles (16.1km) on saturday, along the gold coast. from the top of the spit to in between surfers' paradise and broadbeach. it was gorgeous. i felt strong and float-ey. i ran consistentley.
my first quarter (which was through bush and sand) took 32.24min (HR 169 avg/180 mx),
second quarter 27.33min (HR 173 avg/179 mx),
third quarter 27.30min (HR 172 avg/180 mx),
last quarter 27.32min (HR 173 avg/178 mx).

so, it was really slow (6.5-7min/km pace.... which is still faster than my honolulu pace!) but seeing as how my longest run prior to this was 8 miles, 3 weeks ago... i was working with the slowandsteady motto. testing old grounds. now i know, a bit better, my limitations and will be pushing them harder during my LSD training.

we went in the ocean after. i was tired as! got sand in my pants as usual. i need shorty boardies!

for cross training on sunday (which i tend to skip a lot!), went to byron bay with friends. anna and i shopped the markets all day! stopping only for a coffee when the sun got too hot and we realised we'd left sunscreen in the car with the boys who were surfing!

all up it was a fab weekend that seemed to go on and on! (hence the monday blues!)

well, off for my 5km (3miles) now... i run here:
then breakfast. then work. bike or bus today? ... probably bus. looks like rain and i'm feeling wussy!

happy training!

Friday, November 17, 2006

just rounding up the tail end of week 3 of my (heehee) marathon training.

i feel like i'm cheating or something cause the distances are so short. and since i'm not actually running a race at the end of the training program and i'm just doing it cause i like structure, i'm not being anal about my diet. which is nice for a change. everytime one of us at home here has taken on a program, it's total lifestyle overhaul.

not this time baby! we're too busy for overhauls. one giant one in the past year was hard enough for little nymphtress!

outcomes of these past 3 weeks

1- more shapely ass. no complaints there!
2- more energy, especially in the mornings.
3- waking up at 5am to go running, great cause the sun's fully up by then. (although i think j prefers sleeping in at this point in his uni life *giggle*)
4- tendancy to eat better brekkies. my fave: diced fresh fruit (queensland has a great selection of local mangoes, pineapples, kiwi, passionfruit, melon, apples, no bananas at the moment... still suffering from the storm in march... peaches, nectarines, yumyumyum!) with puffed amaranth, sunflower seeds, green punkin seeds and plain yoghurt. the mangoes totally make our breakfasts awesome.
5 - need more coffee in afternoons. this is bad. little nymphtress does not handle coffee addictions well and she is very much addicted. will stock up on advil if i decide to cut it out.
6 - nice tan lines :/
7 - early bed times. it's only 8pm and i'm tired. and today's a rest day!!!
8 - more leverage with j; "i'm just too tired to clean the kitchen!"
9 - happier
10 - smellier

i have a problem with numb feet... or, well, one numb foot. i am currently asking for advice on the slowtwitch forums. let me know what forums you use too so i can watch & learn more.

i'm so sleepy i can't keep writing!

happy training kiddies :)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

shall we try this again?

hal higdon's marathon training -novice- starts monday.

18 weeks of running 4 days a week, cross training one day and mondays and fridays off.

i really want to try to stick to this one. and since it's the novice program, it'll be a walk in the park! my long run in the first week is something like 6 miles! too easy!

but wish me strength anyways. i read somewhere that it takes you 21 consecutive days of following a routine to make it stick. see you in 3 weeks time with the truth to that!